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  • damianrobertjones - Wednesday, September 19, 2012 - link

    ...OSX to become more and more like Windows 8 before next year is over
  • solipsism - Wednesday, September 19, 2012 - link

    A radical UI change that the average user won't be able to comprehend without training and therefore will become frustrated?
  • headbox - Wednesday, September 19, 2012 - link

    Mac users are all idiots! I can build a PC for half the cost! Speed is all that matters! That's why I ride a Kawasaki ZX-10- I mean who cares if bringing home groceries is easier in a car, price vs speed is all that matters!
  • Ronakbhai - Wednesday, September 19, 2012 - link

    So that's why we're obese. 'Cause we can bring home a lot more groceries in our cars since we never adopted the motorcycle as well as our European compadres.
  • Omega215D - Thursday, September 20, 2012 - link

    I think India has everyone beat on making the motorcycle an all encompassing vehicle.

    Besides, I can carry groceries just fine on my 900 Ninja thanks to Givi bags.

    After switching back and forth I find that OSX and Win 7/ 8 is neither better or worse than the other.
  • damianrobertjones - Tuesday, September 25, 2012 - link

    If users need training to use Windows 8 then HOW ON EARTH have they purchased different models of phones using different operating systems!?!

    P.s. Radical? Large blocks instead of desktop icons. Hardly radical
  • StealthX32 - Wednesday, September 19, 2012 - link

    Why is this necessary? Just go to the damn website.

    Is this a purely financial move with ad view revenue sharing or something?
  • headbox - Wednesday, September 19, 2012 - link

    I was thinking the same thing. not good enough?
  • KitsuneKnight - Wednesday, September 19, 2012 - link

    It allows syncing your Facebook contacts to your local address book, using the 'Share' button in many apps to share to Facebook, and a few other things. Similar to the Twitter integration that already exists (has that bothered you?).

    Is it a problem that the integration exists? It's not like it plasters a giant FACEBOOK logo across your screen or anything. Outside of the Share button's menu (and the Mail, Contacts & Calendars list of providers), you probably won't even realize it existed unless you used it.
  • JDFC - Sunday, September 23, 2012 - link

    Actually yes - it can be a problem.

    I work in a hospital (which shall remain nameless for HIPAA reasons!) which uses internal web-based medical records. One of our "brighter" interns thought that something was "really cool" so shared it to Facebook. (And is now looking for a new job).

    There are a number of industries where confidentiality is critical. In a BYOD world, sometimes you have to protect people from themselves. The "one click to share" is just too dangerous. IT is looking at banning OS X devices from the network (in other words, if you wish to use your Retina MacBook Pro, install Windows on it).

    (For that matter, accessing Facebook or Twitter from the hospital network is technically a disciplinary offence. It's not generally enforced, but it's on the list of "thou shalt not's")
  • nafhan - Monday, September 24, 2012 - link

    As someone who uses Facebook (and Twitter) pretty regularly, I can say that I would not want that info integrated into my address book.

    Like you said, though, as long as it's not enabled by default, I consider it a non-issue (note: non-issue is quite different from a "feature").
  • vision33r - Sunday, September 23, 2012 - link

    Windows Phone had tighter Facebook integration.
  • richardsdavid1050 - Thursday, September 27, 2012 - link

    I will never prefer new operating system that easy, they always come up with something new and asks us to spend more and more on new operating systems. Currently i am working in <a href="">Logo Design</a> industry and my current software's are working well and Windows 7 too and not yet planned to update it.

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