Today, Intel has released seven new Sandy Bridge based CPUs: three Core i5 and four Celeron models. All the i5 SKUs are desktop models, whereas the Celeron SKUs are mobile: two standard voltage and two ultra-low voltage models. Below is a table of the new SKUs. 

Specifications of New Intel CPUs (1/30/2012)
SKU Core/Thread Count Frequency Max Turbo Frequency L3 Cache TDP Price
Core i5-2550K 4/4 3.4GHz 3.8GHz 6MB 95W $225
Core i5-2450P 4/4 3.2GHz 3.5GHz 6MB 95W $195
Core i5-2380P 4/4 3.1GHz 3.4GHz 6MB 95W $177
Celeron B815 2/2 1.6GHz N/A 2MB 35W $86
Celeron B720 1/1 1.7GHz N/A 1MB 35W $70
Celeron 867 2/2 1.3GHz N/A 2MB 17W $134
Celeron 797 1/1 1.4GHz N/A 1MB 17W $107

You may be wondering what the P at the end of two Core i5 SKUs stands for. Intel has not updated their product database yet so we aren't 100% sure, but VR-Zone is reporting that it implies a GPU-less model. VR-Zone is also stating that the i5-2550K is GPU-less as well, which would be a step down from the i5-2500K that features Intel HD 3000 graphics.

This is a logical move as Intel must have a stack of chips with fully working cores and other parts, but the IGP isn't functional. On the other hand, it's good to keep in mind that a disabled IGP means no Quick Sync. Since the price and specification differences between the models with IGP and the models without is so small, we recommend buying a model with the graphics as you never know when you might want/need Quick Sync or more video outputs. The 100MHz increase in frequency isn't worth the loss of the IGP. 

As for the CPUs in general, i5-2550K is obviously the successor of i5-2500K. It has 100MHz (i.e. one CPU bin) higher frequencies than i5-2500K and is priced $9 higher. Similarly, i5-2450P and i5-2380P are successors of i5-2400 and i5-2320—the i5-2450P being $11 more expensive and i5-2380P being priced the same as its predecessor. Celeron B815 replaces B810 at the $86 price point; they share the same core specs while the GPU gets a bump in maximum clock from 950MHz to 1050MHz. Meanwhile, B720 succeeds B710 with 100MHz higher frequency and the same $70 price tag. Celeron 867 becomes the new high-end ULV Celeron by taking the place of 857 at the price point of $134 with 100MHz higher frequency, and 797 increases the frequency by 100MHz to 1.4GHz in the $107 category and replaces 787.

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Source: Intel

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  • extide - Monday, January 30, 2012 - link

    That's a nice lookin heatsink, what cpu does that come on?
  • Kristian Vättö - Monday, January 30, 2012 - link

    It's a separately sold heatsink, unfortunately. Part number is E88216-001 and seems to go for around $40.
  • Metaluna - Monday, January 30, 2012 - link

    Also, it looks like a bolt-through mount (i.e. no pushpins). All the companies like Scythe who have produced giant tower heatsinks with plastic pushpins take note.
  • IntelUser2000 - Monday, January 30, 2012 - link

    My friend that got a i7 970 got it with the CPU purchase.
  • Kristian Vättö - Monday, January 30, 2012 - link

    That specific model in the picture is only sold separately as it's for LGA 1156/1155. Your friend most likely has E75476-001, which is the stock cooler for LGA 1366 CPUs released after i7-980X (it was the first one to get it). They look almost identical though, only the motherboard connectors are a bit different :-)
  • Rick83 - Tuesday, January 31, 2012 - link

    Having installed a bunch of Scythe coolers which use pushpins, I've never had a problem with them, and installation has usually been quite simple.
    Don't see the reason for the complaints - unless you live a in a region prone to earthquakes.
  • Taft12 - Tuesday, January 31, 2012 - link

    Ever installed a plastic pushpin cooler multiple times?

    (It's a trick question, the plastic will break, stretch or twist before you get the chance)
  • extide - Thursday, February 2, 2012 - link

    Those plastic pushpins arent that hard to deal with, if you know what you are doing you can easily install and uninstall one several times. However holding a large and heavy heatsink I would prefer metal, but honestly I dont get why everyone has such a hard time with the plastic push pin mounts.
  • Piano Man - Monday, January 30, 2012 - link

    It'll be interesting to see if this 2550K is a special bin that will allow for higher OCs over the 2500k.
  • Mr Perfect - Tuesday, January 31, 2012 - link

    Meh. I'm betting that Kristian is right, this is merely the We-Have-2500Ks-With-Dead-Graphics bin.

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