Paul Otellini showed this tablet off earlier today but we got a little more detail on it just moments ago. Intel has put together a 32nm Atom (Medfield) based reference design which will be available to OEMs should they be interested in it. The only physical specification we have is its thickness: 8.9mm. Update: The display is a pretty typical (for Honeycomb) 10-inch 1280 x 800 panel.

Intel is running a build of Honeycomb (3.2) on the device however it's still in alpha. Intel is currently working on improving performance, power consumption and stability of the platform at this point. Intel is expecting to see Medfield based designs in the market in the first half of 2012. 

I'm not expecting huge performance out of Medfield, but Silvermont will likely bring out-of-order execution to Atom and really start to redefine its performance levels in 2013. At this point all Intel needs is a design win so it can start iterating and executing in this space.


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  • damianrobertjones - Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - link

    ...Samsung 7 slate as that's the ONLY device that looks like it, acts like it and has the required screen res
  • damianrobertjones - Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - link

    ...not a Samsung 7 slate and I must read the article first.


  • damianrobertjones - Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - link

    P.s. To intel - Your last Atom cpu REALLY failed in the Q550 and Motion CL900. I hope you deliver with this new cpu!
  • StealthX32 - Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - link

    But I believe Apple has a patent on all tablets that have black borders! ;-)
  • kishorshack - Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - link

    Dont u think everyone should come together
    Sweep this apple away
    A company that is interested more in patenting their technology
    rather than making something original n working for the user experience
    I hate apple
    It is discouraging good manufacturers n great ideas
  • NCM - Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - link

    "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool,
    than to speak up and remove all doubt."
  • Dug - Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - link

    I would patent my design too if I were Apple. Just because they were the first with a great design and tablet doesn't mean they should share it for free.

    Before and after ipad pictures.

    Look at everyone following macbook air design.

    So yes, I would say they have made something original and as far as user experience, no one to date has even come close to ios.

    There is a reason why they dominate the tablet market. It's not because of a crappy design and bad user experience.
  • hechacker1 - Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - link

    I think that picture only shows the natural progression of technology.

    We went from trying to cram a laptop into a tablet (with varying success), to having powerful enough system on chips from ARM that made small form factors possible.

    Apple waited and got in at the right time. If you look at other products introduced around the same time as Apple's iPhone and iPad, you see similar designs.

    Apple does do industrial design right. I'll give them that. But as always at a premium price.
  • aspleme - Friday, December 23, 2011 - link

    Yeah... but I think it's missing a few points...

    No, Apple is not the originator of everything. Furthermore, Apple products don't follow the rules of technology sales. The behavior of Apple product sales more closely matches that of luxury items. Most of the people buying Apple don't buy them because they show definite improvement over former products, they buy them because they are new Apple products.

    I'm not saying Apple products are all bad... they have a lot of good points. If you want a device that does what it says pretty well and you don't care about controlling your own device, buy Apple (or a PS3). However, what Apple fans need to realize is that Apple is not an innovator, they are a populizer (yes, made up word). They then take their popularity and wield it like a barbarian wielding a broadsword, smashing everything they can. They cost too much and then try to sue the pants off anyone who offers a similar competitively priced product.

    Let me see if I can explain this in Apple (simplified interface) terms: Bands have often sung love songs, but they never catch on. Apple sings a love song and it becomes popular. Other bands sing love songs and sell their MP3s for less... Apple tries to sue them for singing love songs.
  • name99 - Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - link

    Well, if that ludicrous statement is true, then make a freaking tablet without black borders. Problem solved.
    Or are Apple competitors so dumb they can't even figure that out?

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