Surface 3 Design

For those familiar with the Surface line, and especially the Surface Pro 3, looking at the new Surface 3 is not going to shock you. It is certainly an evolution of the line and not a revolution. It still features the same magnesium body which really feels great in the hand. It really is unlike aluminium in feel, and I find that the Surface 3 texture gives plenty of grip, unlike some polished devices.

Microsoft paid a lot of attention when building these tablets, and their efforts are clearly seen all over. I have already discussed the kickstand when it is open, but when it is closed, it sits absolutely flush with the body, and the body has an angled edge to it, which the kickstand also must have. The power button and volume button both fit very snug and have a great clicky feel.

The biggest and best change to the design is what carries over from the Surface Pro 3; the 3:2 aspect ratio. 16:9 is really not ideal for a tablet in either orientation. In portrait mode, it is much too tall and skinny, and in landscape mode, the tablet is too long and can feel unbalanced.

Surface 3 over Surface 3 Pro

The move to 3:2 is a revelation for tablet use, and the Surface 3 is a much better tablet than even the Surface Pro 3. It is smaller, thinner, lighter, and just easier to hold. The smaller version is really quite good to use in portrait mode, which is something that could never have been said of Surface RT or Surface 2. I’m not sure if we have found a “perfect” aspect ratio for a tablet, but 3:2 offers a lot of advantages and very few drawbacks. It is better in landscape for actual productivity tasks thanks to the extra vertical space, and better for portrait because of the more balanced width.

One of the other great design features that Microsoft has been able to incorporate into the Surface line is front facing speakers. Sound does not travel well through things, so having the speakers pointed backwards just can’t compete. The best part of the speakers on the Surface line is just how inconspicuous they are. There are two tiny slots on the upper sides of the tablet (when in landscape) and they blend in surprisingly well with the black bezels, to the point where you may not even notice them unless you have the device in the right kind of lighting. We will see later on just how well they sound, but the placement of them is great.

The port selection is good too, and this is what helps Surface to be a laptop. There is a mini-DisplayPort on the upper right side, and just under that is a USB 3.0 port. This full sized port lets you connect almost anything to the tablet. In addition, there is an audio jack at the bottom right side, and in between the USB and audio is the charging port.

Microsoft has always used a proprietary charging connector on all of the Surface devices. The original Surface RT had a magnetic charger which would stick on to the device, and light up. It was reversible too, so you could connect it either way. The original had some issues with connections, and they tweaked the design. However for the Surface 3, they have ditched that connector completely and went with a standard micro-USB connector.

The use of micro-USB has some advantages and drawbacks. The advantage is that you can now charge the Surface 3 with any cord you already have for almost all smartphones (only Apple doesn’t use micro-USB) so that is a win. The drawback though is that micro-USB charging is generally power limited to only a handful of watts. A typical phone charger may only be five watts, and some of the better ones will be ten. The Surface 3 comes with a thirteen watt charger. Later we will see what effect that has on charge times, but it really is not a lot of power.

I think it is a missed opportunity to not be forward leaning on the charging port and use a USB Type-C connector. This would keep the reversible nature which is much better than what they have now, and Type-C can handle much more power (without ever going out of spec) offering them the opportunity to supply a bigger charger. Going to micro-USB now feels like a step backwards to be honest. Because the Surface already has a full sized USB port, you don’t run into the problems like the Macbook where it is only one Type-C. Type-C is the future, and not seeing it on this device makes it take a step back in the past.

The bottom of the Surface 3 keeps the now familiar magnetic connector and pins for the keyboard, and a groove runs along the bottom for the keyboard to fit in to.

On the top of the Surface is a slightly different color strip of plastic which will be the RF transparent window for all of the necessary antennae. I like that they did not try to color match the device because the contrast makes for a much nicer look, and trying to color match metal and plastic can end up looking poorly, especially over time. The plastic strip also features the 8 MP rear camera.

When you look at tablet design in the Windows world, there really is Surface and everything else. The device just feels solid, and the magnesium finish is so great to hold in the hand. The fit and finish of the Surface is as good as any other device on the market.

Kickstand and Accessories Powering the Surface 3: Intel’s Atom x7 System on a Chip
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  • meacupla - Tuesday, May 5, 2015 - link

    Proprietary connectors only suck when they are easy to break and hard to replace.
    That said, micro USB connectors also suck on these devices, because they're also easy to break and hard to replace.

    The magnetic reverseable connector on previous surface devices was perfectly fine. They were hard to break and easy to replace. Basically, the side that broke most often was either the cable or brick, which is much cheaper to fix or replace compared to the device itself.
  • ddawg609 - Monday, May 4, 2015 - link

    Will it upgrade to Windows10 when it is released?
  • BlueBomberTurbo - Monday, May 4, 2015 - link

    Yup, everything that uses Windows 7 through 8.1 can be upgraded to Windows 10 for free for the first year of release.
  • mva5580 - Monday, May 4, 2015 - link

    As it seems with most devices these days, my main concern is with battery life.

    What I really want it to be is an iPad replacement that also happens to be a full PC. I'm fine with the price point (an 128gb iPad Air 2 without a case/keyboard is $700,) I'm fine with the performance (I will play games on it, but stuff that it can handle. SimCity 3000, Baldurs Gate, Out of the Park Baseball, stuff like that,) and the form factor is small enough to feel like a tablet but big enough to be able to do most "full" PC things on it.

    It just seems like whenever I look at devices anymore, I'm disappointed in the battery life. So I guess either my expectations are too high, device makers don't care as much about battery life and skimp on it, or maybe a little of both. If this thing could manage the battery life of an iPad Air 2, it would dare I say, be about as "perfect" of a device as I could find for what I want to do with it. For many years to come at least when things this size can run newer, more advanced games.

    I have the bundle pre-ordered from Costco that is the 4gb/128gb/Pen/Keyboard combo for $700, and I'm very much looking forward to trying it out. If the battery life isn't a disappointment, I imagine I will love it.
  • jjj - Monday, May 4, 2015 - link

    This is a bulky and very heavy (622 g) mid range tablet and they want 500$ for it.Plus 129 $ for crappy keyboard.
    And it runs Windows, M$ will never get tablet apps going before tabs are dead. A crippled tablet and a crippled netbook merged into something nobody needs. Some might think they need it but that's only because they don't know any better and you are not helping them.
    How hard you try to sugarcoat the pref is also rather hilarious. In GPU you go as far as flooding the reader with synthetic benchmarks (decades of PC benchmarking improvements down the drain) just to hide the single gaming perf numbers at the end.
    I thought that after Anand left , the site is regaining some of it's lost objectivity but i guess you are still full steam ahead when it comes to "supporting" certain industry players.
    Who payed for that trip to M$'s event last week?
  • mva5580 - Monday, May 4, 2015 - link

    Yes, and you don't sound biased in any way whatsoever. "Bulky and very heavy" in comparison to what, exactly.

    You're choosing to classify it as a "tablet," can you give an example of a tablet with a similar form factor that is smaller, lighter, and cheaper that runs full Windows?
  • jjj - Tuesday, May 5, 2015 - link

    Bulky and very heavy in compared to the vast majority of tablets. Do the math if you want for screen area per volume.
    How exactly is running Windows on 64GB of NAND and 2GB of RAM an advantage? If you are gonna just do Office and web browsing then you certainly don't need Windows. If yo want more, then you need more than this.As for the AR, it doesn't matter much and it's actually M$ trying to copy Apple and going just slightly different to not be called a clone. Pricing wise you can do 2x better.
  • damianrobertjones - Wednesday, May 6, 2015 - link

    Ummm... Windows Tablets have been around for a long, long, LONG time. Archos 9, UMPCs, Mids, plus many, many more types.
  • Geodude074 - Saturday, May 9, 2015 - link

    Asus T100 Chi vs Surface 3

    - $450 for tablet/keyboard combo vs $630 for tablet/keyboard combo.
    - 1.3 lbs vs 1.4 lbs.
    - 1920x1080 vs 1920 x 1280.
    - Same 2 GB RAM.
    - Same 64 GB storage.
    - Same full Windows.
    - Z3775 vs Z8700 (the only advantage Surface 3 has).

    Is it worth spending ~$200+ for the Atom x7? In my opinion, no not really.
  • devione - Monday, May 4, 2015 - link

    Jesus Christ. I stopped reading at "bulky and heavy".

    If you find 622g bulky and heavy, you really need to get your life sorted out.

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