
Metro2033 is a DX11 benchmark that challenges every system that tries to run it at any high-end settings.  Developed by 4A Games and released in March 2010, we use the inbuilt DirectX 11 Frontline benchmark to test the hardware at 2560x1440 with full graphical settings.  Results are given as the average frame rate from 4 runs.

Metro 2033 1 GPU 2 GPU

The Z77-HD4 does quite well in single GPU mode, but using that PCIe 2.0 x4 from the PCH for a second AMD GPU starts to limit the results.

Dirt 3

Dirt 3 is a rallying video game and the third in the Dirt series of the Colin McRae Rally series, developed and published by Codemasters.  Using the in game benchmark, Dirt 3 is run at 2560x1440 with Ultra graphical settings.  Results are reported as the average frame rate across four runs.

Dirt3 1 GPU 2 GPU

Confirming what we saw on the G1.Sniper M3 (if you put the GPUs in the wrong slots), the PCIe 2.0 x4 is not really a gaming PCIe slot.

Computation Benchmarks Final Words
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  • Razorbak86 - Tuesday, May 21, 2013 - link

    Why is it out of place? Because it references China?

    Do you realize how large the Chinese Internet cafe market is? Manufacturers often design products to meet specific market needs, and then end up selling those same products to other market segments.

    I really don't understand the level of consternation over that one innocuous comment in a 7-page review. I honestly think that some commenters' negative reactions to that statement are more telling about their own insecurities or prejudices than they are a statement of the author's perspective. JMHO.
  • popej - Wednesday, May 22, 2013 - link

    Your audio test are of very limited value. 16bit test is not enough to show performance of better chips and loop-back test shows limitation of audio input, when usually audio output quality is what is interesting.

    You have presented 6 test for USB transfer. Imagine that you have posted only USB 2.0 copy test. This would be an equivalent of what have you done to audio testing.
  • RoslynWan12 - Wednesday, May 22, 2013 - link

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