I am an American

by Anand Lal Shimpi on September 11, 2004 3:02 PM EST
The wedding was incredible, easily the best day of my life. The honeymoon was a continuation of just that; 2 weeks in heaven to start off a wonderful marriage. I've got lots to talk about both of those matters, but given the significance of today's date I'm going to talk about one particular thing that happened while we were off on our honeymoon.

We were returning to our hotel one night and as we got out of the cab and walked to the entrance of the hotel a young guy (I'd say late 20s) holding a drink came up alongside me and said "hey pal." I looked at him at which point he said "I thought you were Osama's brother." I ignored him and walked away.

Now I was born in this country, I'm a U.S. citizen, I pay my taxes, I donate to charities, I vote, I contribute to the economy, I love my country and I wouldn't rather move to any other place, yet for the first time in my life I felt foreign than night. I felt unwelcome in the country that I had the right to be in, I had just as much right to be there as the guy who made me feel so very wrong for being there yet because of his one line I felt like I truly didn't belong. I didn't think something like that would bother me so much, after all I'm pretty good about taking things as light hearted as possible, but that one incident struck home.

And I began to wonder, had I just been really lucky since 9/11? Were there more people like him who would see me and based on the color of my skin would brand me a terrorist? What made me any less of an American than him? Haven't we been through this before? I thought the civil rights movement brought forth the idea that we can't just single out a group of people based on the color of their skin. For the first time in my life I wanted to leave, I wanted to be at home and I didn't want that home to be here.

It may not seem like much, after all it was just a 5 second interaction with some drunk jerk; drunk people say things all the time, get over it right? Well I am over it, but that isn't to say that I'm afraid of something like that happening again. I've said it before, that it all boils down to education and understanding of people and cultures other than our own.

Muslims don't hate Americans, that's just not how things work. My mom is a muslim and she'd never hurt a fly, she cried at 9/11, she donated to the relief fund, she condemned those who did it - just like everyone else. She isn't a fanatic, I'd say she follows the Qua-ran like many people follow the Bible, she doesn't interpret it strictly but she takes it to be a set of morals that she attempts to uphold in her daily life. And to those who don't believe it, must muslims are just like that. They don't walk around with AK-47s plotting ways to attack the West, they lead normal lives and have normal families just like everyone else. I've been to Iran around 5 times now, the only current example of a true Islamic state - did I see people running through the streets plotting to kill Americans? No, I saw normal people doing normal things. Sure their customs are different, but none of those customs include hating Americans. Yet I read through some of the discussions that happen online, even in our own forums, and I'm disgusted. I read statements of people who are clearly ignorant of what they are talking about, attacking people and cultures they don't understand. What if we were all judged by the acts of the D.C. sniper, McVeigh or Dahlmer? Everyone would think that any American was a crazed mass murdering psycho.

As I write this, I'm worried that my point won't get across, that everything I've said here will be dismissed at the hatred will continue. I was just as angry as anyone when the towers fell, I wanted to see someone pay, I wanted revenge - but we must all understand that the revenge isn't against every middle easterner you see. A group of people hated our government, so they took that anger and hatred not out on the government, but on over 3000 innocent people. What sense does it make to attack that group of people by targeting those that honestly have nothing to do with it, some of which are just as American as anyone else in this country.

Today we should all remember the tragedy of 9/11, but we must also remember not to let one tragedy lead us to another one. American doesn't mean white; keep in mind how this country was founded, the melting pot has evolved to include a few new shades but the fact remains the same that we are all Americans. I may not look like everyone else, but I feel the same attachment to this country - please don't make me feel unwelcome.

Take care.
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  • Brian - Friday, September 24, 2004 - link


    As a white guy I can tell you we have our share of jerks that do look only at skin color. I wish it were not so, but it is and all I can say is the majority of us try to shun those guys.

    Your work and contributions should speak for themselves. But don't make the mistake of thinking only a white person can be as you speak.

    There needs to be good folks with respect in their community, that stand up and let people of any (all) color know that using the word nigger, OSB or any other racist words is unacceptable and simply inappropriate. That should include the white guy(s) you most certainly refer too in your comment, Anands’ white guy and yes the brothers who likes to say “he’s my nigger” or “he’s a cracker”.

    Obviously not using that kind of language will not stop these people from being what they choose, but it will not inflict the kind of pain you and Anand have experienced.

    If no one else has said it Jimmy, thanks for your contributions throughout your working career, enjoy retirement.


  • jimmyj68 - Thursday, September 23, 2004 - link

    After slogging through 183 posts I have found no understanding for what Anand was trying to say. He was trying to describe the pain of being disavowed. I use that word as a clumsy attempt to have you understand what happens when your existence - your being - your self esteem is assualted. Here is a man in the very elysian joys of being a newly wed. Reveling in the glow of who he is and the love of a woman who loves him for who he is. When a "white" person attacks all of that simply because he is darker complected with straight black hair and middle eastern features. Can you understand how that would strike at your very soul? The perpetrator, be he drunk or sober has struck a mortal blow to the spirit. Can you understand how that feels?

    I did all of the "American" things. I served 20 years and 21 days in the USAF. I retired, went to college and earned a BS and MA degrees. I then worked another 19 years and 5 months for the Department of Defense as a civilian. Now, retired again and 68 years old, I'm still subjected to that pain that Anand felt. Despite all the "American" things I have done with my life - just because of the color of my skin - I am just another "nigger" to some "white" people. Trust me people. That hurts.

    Anand - never give up or give in to those who would destroy your personhood. Know - the pain will never go away. I have 68 years sprinkled with that pain.
  • Jason - Thursday, September 23, 2004 - link

    That drunk guy was an idiot. It is too bad that morons like that guy have the power to effect honest citizens such as yourself. Only an idiot would target a whole group of people as retaliation for 9/11. I think that it is sad that these coward terrorists that kill innocent people use religion to justify their hate, but this is not new. Christians and Jews are not any better. Their history is full of vile and horrible things done in the name of religion. Religion is not to blame, the people commiting the crimes are. Fortunately, for the most part, European christianity moved past that behavior when it left the middle ages. Many Middle Eastern countries are still in a middle ages of sorts. They need a renaissance of their own.

    There have been a lot of people on here bashing America. America does more for other countries and other people than any other country in the world. We give more foreign aid to other countries than all other countries in the world combined. We accept more foreign immigrants than any other country. We have millions of people of middle eastern descent living in our country that left their countries to seek a better life. They came to America because no other country would give them the opportunity that America would. Those from foreign countries that are bashing America have no idea what living in America is like. I lived in a third world country where people have nothing, and things such as shelter and food are a daily concern. Very few people in America have that concern. America has its problems but it has far less than most of the world. Those in the middle east that see our culture and hate America are jealous that their countries are not as strong or powerful or rich as America. Their governments are corrupt and live off their citizens. Instead of using their time to build up their own people they want to drag America down with them.
  • Anonymous - Thursday, September 23, 2004 - link

    Sorry for the typo error, I meant, EDUCATE YOURSELF DUDE!
  • Anonymous - Thursday, September 23, 2004 - link


    I am not spreading hate. I am pointing out the root of Islamic hate.

    I want a straight answer from “enlightened” people like you; Can you deny the fact that the “Prophet” Mohammed slept with a 9 year old child? Can you deny that he did not commit mass murder? Or he had his opponents assassinated?

    If we have to get down to it, I could quote from the Koran and other Islamic scriptures to prove my point. I can point out the source of Islamic terrorism right to the teachings of Islam i.e. the Wahabi doctrine.

    Let us see who is the ignorant? You are living in a delusion that OBL does not derive his inspiration from Islam. EDUCATCE YOURSELF DUDE.
  • Haroon Saleem - Thursday, September 23, 2004 - link

    #165 & #177. Seriously I don't have the time to educate ignorant people like yourself. It is pointless to post anything in this forum beacuse obvously it makes no difference. All It does is make me think less of all these people mud slinging at each other. It is people like 165 and 177 that spread hate and anger and ignorance. Grow up, this is not a pissing contest!
  • Sam - Thursday, September 23, 2004 - link

    Anand, you are more American than that moron will ever be.

    White Georgia Redneck Out
  • Anonymous - Thursday, September 23, 2004 - link

    Are you aware that no Muslim leader condemned the recent terrorist incident in Russia, where over 300 innocent children were brutally murdered? This indicates the tactical approval many Muslims harbor of these terrorist incidents. After all leaders reflect public opinion.
  • Anonymous - Thursday, September 23, 2004 - link

    # 97
    An impartial analysis of the life of the "Prophet" Mohammed, the founder of Islam, indicates that he is nothing but a terrorist; the forerunner of all the Islamic terrorists scurrying around nowadays.
  • Anonymous - Thursday, September 23, 2004 - link

    Heard of a religion designed by a pervert who rapes a 9 year old girl? Married an older woman for her money, or slit the throats of several hundred Jews, who would have nothing to do with his new religion? A man who had his critics assassinated?

    Do you think this religion will catch on? Well, it has.....it is called Islam! The pervert who founded it is called "Prophet" Mohammed!

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