
With tool-less designs being implemented in more cases, the devices cut off a good amount of time for component installation. The total time taken to install the motherboard, CPU, VGA card, HDD, and our OCZ power supply that we swapped out was about 10 minutes.

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Click to enlarge.

We have received many questions regarding included power supplies and why we do not include them when performing our thermal benchmarks. The answer to this question is that we are testing the performance of the case and comparing it to cases that we have benchmarked in the past, and not testing the hardware installed in it, no matter if the power supply was included with the case. Hopefully that helps clear up any confusion.

Click to enlarge.

Motherboard Tray Benchmarking - Thermal
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  • Degrador - Wednesday, September 1, 2004 - link

    Umm... An 80mm fan rated at 13dB?? Might wanna change that to 33dB (I assume) - half way down page 4...

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