Gigabyte Coolers

We all know and love Gigabyte as a long time motherboard manufacturer.  Since Computex 2003 we have seen them diversify with many new products; laptops, optical storage, and most recently, cooling.  A few months ago, Gigabyte introduced their first "3D Cooler"; an Athlon 64, Athlon XP and Pentium 4 heatstink-fan (HSF) combo. 

Click to enlarge

The cooler has been very well received in the lab.  Originally, our 3D cooler ran a little loud; when we first powered the HSF up it registered over 40dBA.  However, the unit comes with a variable fan control, so we were able to turn the speed way down safely.  Even with the RPMs all the way down we were able to keep our non-overclocked Athlon 64 3200+ less than 40 degrees C.

Look forward to seeing more Gigabyte coolers hitting the US and European markets in upcoming months.  

Enermax Power Supplies CoolerMaster Coolers
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  • rsa4046 - Sunday, April 4, 2004 - link

    A watt is the SI unit of power (energy or work per unit time), and thus contains time implicitly: 1 W = 1 J/s. Perhaps you meant heat flux (i.e., power per unit area, or 150 W/cm2 )?
  • Chuckles - Sunday, April 4, 2004 - link

    I know its relatively minor, but there is an error on page one.

    "A solid block of copper sits on the CPU, and is then sinked by 6 heatpipes anchored onto the 7mm aluminum chassis.  Without moving components, the case is able to sink 150W per second!"

    A Watt is a Joule per second, a measure of energy per unit time (power). Thus the article should read "... 150W!"

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