AnandTech Storage Bench - Light

Our Light storage test has relatively more sequential accesses and lower queue depths than The Destroyer or the Heavy test, and it's by far the shortest test overall. It's based largely on applications that aren't highly dependent on storage performance, so this is a test more of application launch times and file load times. This test can be seen as the sum of all the little delays in daily usage, but with the idle times trimmed to 25ms it takes less than half an hour to run. Details of the Light test can be found here.

AnandTech Storage Bench - Light (Data Rate)

On the Light test, the Plextor M8Pe is faster than Intel's PCIe SSDs but slower than OCZ and Samsung. The M8Pe is about 2.6 times faster overall than the best SATA SSDs when the test is run on an empty drive, and about 80% faster when the test is run on a full drive.

AnandTech Storage Bench - Light (Latency)

There's very little variation in average service times among the PCIe SSDs (except for the Intel SSD 600p). The Plextor M8Pe is essentially tied with the Intel SSD 750 and OCZ RD400, and only slightly behind Samsung's PCIe SSDs.

AnandTech Storage Bench - Light (Latency)

When the test is run on an empty drive, the M8Pe is as good as any drive at keeping the number of high-latency outliers low. The M8Pe is more strongly affected than Samsung's drives when the test is run on a full drive.

AnandTech Storage Bench - Light (Power)

The Light test is easy enough that the Intel 600P doesn't get bogged down, so the M8Pe is the least power-efficient of the M.2 PCIe SSDs.

AnandTech Storage Bench - Heavy Random Performance
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  • GoMoeJoe - Friday, December 16, 2016 - link

    Nand shortages ... L o L ...
    So much fake news. So much WoW !
  • frenchy_2001 - Friday, December 16, 2016 - link

    "The M8Pe's consistency scores are quite low, indicating that it lacks the tight regulation of Samsung and Intel's best drives that have similar average performance."

    This is rather misleading and shows again the little alue your consistency metric brings.
    In the case of the Plextor, it has a well defined floor around 25kops and bursts of speed above that. Although it makes it inconsistent, it has a high minimum.
    This would be like complaining that a core i7 with turbo boost is inconsistent, because although it has a 4GHz floor, it sometimes boosts to 4.5GHz when possible and as such is worse than a constant i3 at 2GHz...
  • MrSpadge - Monday, December 19, 2016 - link

    Billy is saying just that in the next paragraph. If you read both together it's like "graph A indicates... however, graph B show that it's really..."
  • helvete - Wednesday, January 11, 2017 - link

    Who would buy 1TB variant w/ a heatsink for $650 when one can take 1TB bare plus 128GB w/ a heatsink for $616 ($516 + $100). Then transfer the heatsink and the drive is still $34 cheaper and the 128GB remains remains as a free bonus:-)

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