AMD is set to close out the year on a high note. As promised, the company will be delivering its latest 16-core Ryzen 9 3950X processor, built with two 7nm TSMC chiplets, to the consumer platform for $749. Not only this, but AMD today has lifted the covers on its next generation Threadripper platform, which includes Zen 2-based chiplets, a new socket, and an astounding 4x increase in CPU-to-chipset bandwidth.

This year AMD is presenting its ‘Fall 2019 Desktop Update’, covering the new products for the holiday season. Q4 is historically a good target for increased consumer sales, as long as the products hit the right price point and are available in volume for the peak shopping periods. We’ve been waiting mercilessly for more details about the crème-de-la-crème of what AMD has to offer with its 7nm product portfolio for both mainstream Ryzen desktop processors, but also the creator and workstation focused 3rd Gen Threadripper. After continuously requesting information from CEO Lisa Su since the middle of the year, AMD is lifting the lid on the product details, pricing, and launch dates.

The short version of today’s announcement revolves around several parts, in completely different markets.

  • The Ryzen 9 3950X 16-core CPU for desktops
  • Ryzen Threadripper 3rd Gen Family: Starting with the 24-core 3960X and 32-core 3970X
  • New TRX40 motherboards for the new Threadripper Processors
  • A new $49 Athlon 3000G for the entry level market

All of this hardware is set to come to market through the month of November at the following dates:

  • Ryzen 9 3950X: Retail on November 25
  • TR 3960X and TR 3970X on November 25th
  • TRX40 motherboards on November 25th
  • Athlon 3000G on November 19th

One key takeaway from today’s announcements is how AMD is moving the traditional desktop and high-end desktop markets. When CEO Dr. Lisa Su was asked earlier this year what will happen to Threadripper as the mainstream Ryzen family moves ‘up’ in performance, her response was that ‘Threadripper will move up-up’. To that effect, we are seeing AMD’s delineation between mainstream desktop and high-end desktop move up to between 16-core and 24-core, with room at the top for more cores if AMD wants to go that way.

Our Group Interview with Dr. Lisa Su at Computex 2019

This new hardware is also breaking new records for enthusiast CPU TDP values, as well as representing new ground on the latest 7nm process technology now available to the wider market. Details about pricing, TDP, AMD’s strategy, AMD’s performance numbers, TRX40 chipset information, and analysis of the announcements are all inside.

Ryzen 9 3950X: Retail on November 25th
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  • Total Meltdowner - Thursday, November 7, 2019 - link

    My next system very may be a Threadripper one... wow.
  • wow&wow - Friday, November 8, 2019 - link

    How to turn off the annoying video at bottom-right?
  • John_M - Friday, November 8, 2019 - link

    I'm not seeing it so Pihole must be working.
  • neblogai - Friday, November 8, 2019 - link

    A correction may be needed- 3000G seems to be a Raven2 (released for embedded market this spring, and now also going into laptops as 3200U), not Picasso die. lists 3000G as 14nm (RR, Raven2), not 12nm (Picasso). And also, Robert Hallock confirms it is 14nm here:
  • DoomsDayCJ - Friday, November 8, 2019 - link

    I don't think the 3000G is Zen+. AMD lists it as a 14nm part and thats Zen not Zen+ (12nm) right?
  • rya - Friday, November 8, 2019 - link

    do we know of 3000G is actually 12nm Zen+? AMD"s website says its 14nm: < >
    for reference, here's the 3400G, which you will see says 12nmm FinFet: < >
    I realize for $49 you can't have it all, but i'm still hoping its 12nm so people can squeeze a little extra out of it and enjoy even lower power consumption.
  • john.doe.maniac77 - Saturday, November 9, 2019 - link

    I am planning to buy Ryzen 3950X post launch, but i am planning to get X570 motherboard early, i just want to know will the x570 board work readily when i install 3950X ? since AMD has told a BIOS update is required, will i be getting a display atleast to update the BIOS? (OR) will manufacturers update the BIOS and re-launch the same motherboard, for this i may have to wait......not sure how this will go ?
  • Slash3 - Saturday, November 9, 2019 - link

    3950X support has been baked in to all X570 boards since July (earlier, actually, if you include eval systems). The new updates will simply flash the most current microcode and AGESA optimizations. No worries if you plan to buy a board before receiving a 3950X CPU.
  • dwade123 - Saturday, November 9, 2019 - link

  • Korguz - Monday, November 11, 2019 - link

    go look at intels cpus if you want overpriced :-)

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