Corsair on Wednesday introduced its new quad-channel 32 GB DDR4-4000 SO-DIMM kit designed specifically for ASRock’s X299E-ITX/ac platform and Intel’s latest Core i7/Core i9 processors. The kit hits the psychologically important DDR4-4000 interface speed and enables enthusiasts and system builders to put together higher-performance Mini-ITX builds. Meanwhile, as a rather unique SO-DIMM kit, Corsair's new kit won't come cheap.

The Corsair Vengeance 32 GB quad-channel SO-DIMM DDR4-4000 DRAM kit (CMSX32GX4M4X4000C19) consists of four 8 GB DRAM modules based on pre-binned Samsung’s B-die ICs made using the company’s 20 nm process technology. The modules are designed to operate with CL19 23-23-45 latencies at 1.35 V. The kit is only compatible with the ASRock X299E-ITX/ac motherboard and therefore its XMP 2.0 profiles in SPD are tailored for Intel’s Core i7/Core i9 (Skylake-X) processors.

The new Vengeance SO-DIMM memory kit complements Corsair’s 32 GB quad-channel DDR4-3800/CL18 kit the company launched after ASRock initiated sales of its unique Mini-ITX motherboard based on Intel’s X299 PCH and compatible with the latest enthusiast-class Core i7/Core i9 CPUs in late October. The new DDR4-4000 SO-DIMM kit for the X299 platform can increase memory bandwidth by 5% to 128 GB/s when compared to the DDR4-3800 kit, which is hardly signigicant, but DDR4-4000 is an important milestone in general, if only for bragging rights. Therefore, I wouldn't be surprised to see G.Skill and possibly other suppliers of high-end memory modules to introduce their own DDR4-4000 SO-DIMM kits in the future.

Corsair's DDR4 SO-DIMM Kits for Intel X299 SFF PCs
Speed Sub-Timings Voltage Kit
DDR4-3800 CL18 19-19-39 1.35 V 4×8 GB 32 GB CMSX32GX4M4X3800C18
DDR4-4000 CL19 23-23-45 CMSX32GX4M4X4000C19

The Corsair Vengeance 32 GB quad-channel SO-DIMM DDR4-4000 memory kit is now available directly from Corsair and from select resellers. Enthusiast seeking for maximum performance out of their Mini-ITX rigs will have to pay $595 in the U.S. and €615 in the E.U. to install the kit into their systems. It is noteworthy that at press time neither Amazon nor Newegg carried the kit.

Related Reading:

Source: Corsair

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  • ddrіver - Saturday, December 23, 2017 - link

    Depends on what you're doing. The point is chasing numbers like "low latency" is very tricky if you have no idea what that latency means. You end up like willis936 or LordanSS complaining about a memory kit like this one because it's DDR4 4000 but the CL is 19, a lot "worse" than the DDR4 3200 CL 15. Because 15 is better than 19 all other factors be damned.
  • levifig - Tuesday, December 19, 2017 - link

    Well, if you bought it a year ago, maybe… I doubt you can buy 64GB of DDR4 3200Mhz without spending almost double ATM!

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